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Unified Information System for Welfare Services (SIUSS) - Assistance Record

Publication: 13/01/2022

The Assistance Record, established by INPS with Decree from the Minister of Labour and Social Policies in agreement with the Ministry for the Economy and Finance, is the general register of welfare situations.

It is the tool for collecting, storing and managing data on social benefits provided by INPS and other providers, as well as information used for reimbursing persons entitled to the same benefits, including information on personal and family characteristics and on needs assessment.

The service is intended for all central state institutes, local institutes, and institutes managing compulsory forms of social security and assistance, which provide facilitated social benefits (conditional on the ISEE) and non-facilitated benefits, even when accompanied by a multidimensional evaluation of an individual cared for by professional social services.

The first section of the Assistance Record, the database of Facilitated Social Benefits (PSA), which is conditional on the ISEE, was established with INPS managerial decree no. 8 of 10 April 2015 (PDF 918KB), implementing the Decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of 08 March 2013.

The other databases that make up the Records were established with INPS managerial decree no. 103 of 15 September 2016 (PDF 1.1MB), implementing the decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies No. 206 of 16 December 2014 (pdf 328 KB).

This is the database of Social Services (PS) and the Multidimensional Assessments database (VM). The latter is in turn divided into three sections corresponding to the same number of distinctive user areas:

  • infancy, adolescence and family (SINBA);
  • disability and dependency (SINA);
  • poverty, social exclusion and other forms of disadvantage (SIP). This module has only been tested.

The paying agencies are obliged to digitally transmit (through the web or co-operative software) the data and information contained in their archives and databases to INPS, in order to create a knowledge base for the better management of the social assistance network, services and resources.

Article 24, Legislative Decree No. 147 of 15 September 2017 (pdf 200KB) established the Unified Information System for Welfare Services (SIUSS), one component of which is the Information system of social benefits and needs, which complements and replaces the Assistance Record.

The regulation provided for implementations of the system, aimed at creating a wider network of information also integrated with that collected in other databases (e.g. Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) Information System).

The same decree also introduced specific sanctions for failure to send data, which constitutes a disciplinary offence and may determine the tax liability of the official who was responsible for sending communication.

Useful documentation may be found within the dedicated section.