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Office Counters: information on opening hours and the booking service

Publication: 21/12/2021

Office Counters” is a service that provides information on the offices that are open to the public and makes it possible to reserve access to the counters.

The information service is intended for all users. The booking service is reserved for users who are equipped with login details, limited to the local structures which offer this function.

By accessing the service it is possible to pinpoint the office of interest in order to find out the relevant opening hours, average service time, number of people in the queue, and queue progress status. In addition, the user may make a reservation for the same day at one of the open counters and view the bookings in progress that match with their tax code.

The fixed-time reservation service is being tested at some locations and gradually extended throughout the country, with the possibility of choosing the day on which to access the counter, including the day in progress.

As an alternative to the online service, it is also possible to reserve an access ticket either through the INPS Mobile app, directly at the office, or by contacting the Contact Centre on +39 803 164, free from Italian landlines, or +39 06 164 164 from mobile phones, to be paid according to the tariff applied by various operators.