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Benefits for deaf-mute and invalids

Publication: 15/02/2022

From 2002, Article 80, paragraph 3 of Law no. 388 of 23 December 2000 grants workers who are deaf-mute or impaired, for whatever reason, a benefit of two months of imputed contributions (up to a maximum limit of five years) for each year of service actually carried out in public administrations or private or co-operative companies.

This benefit is granted upon claim by the individual concerned and is only used for the purposes of obtaining pension eligibility and for the contribution period.

The recipients of the benefit are deaf-mute workers, as referred to in Article 1, Law no. 381 of 26 May 1970, and impaired persons who have been recognised, for whatever reason, as having a invalidity greater than 74% or in the first four categories of table A attached to the Testo Unico [Consolidating Act] of the rules on war pensions (PDF 62KB) as referred to in Presidential Decree no. 834 of 30 December 1981.

The increase in the period of service actually carried out does not constitute a crediting of contributions to the insurance period but is attributed at the time of payment of the pension or supplement.

The increase of two months of imputed contribution for each year actually worked is granted up to a maximum limit of 5 years.

For working periods that last less than a year, the increase is granted proportionally by increasing the number of weeks of work done by a sixth.

The increase is useful for the purpose of meeting the contribution requirement for pension eligibility.

It is also used for calculating the pension amounts with the pay scheme, although it is not relevant for calculating the share for the contributory pension or for the pension that is to be paid exclusively by the contributory system.

The increased contribution period is due for periods of activity actually performed, with the exception of periods covered by voluntary, imputed or retroactive contributions that are unrelated to employment.

Periods of employment in public administrations or private companies or co-operatives carried out in conjunction with the possession of the required health requirement, even prior to 01 January 2002, are taken into account.

The benefit shall be granted upon claim by the individuals concerned when they submit their pension claim, accompanied by documentation attesting the existence of the legally-required health conditions.

For those registered with the exclusive pension scheme ex INPDAP, the claim for recognition of the benefits in question must be submitted to the employer in the course of work.