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Early mobility - Lump sum allowance for workers collecting mobility intending to undertake an independent activity

Publication: 03/03/2022

Early mobility allows the advance payment of the allowance deducting the number of monthly payments already enjoyed by those intending to undertake an independent activity.

It is intended for workers with the qualification of worker, office staff, or manager who collect mobility and wish to undertake an independent activity or join a cooperative.

What am I entitled to?

The amount of the advance is equal to the mobility allowance minus the monthly payments already received by the worker.

The amount is equal to 100% of the extraordinary benefits of wage subsidy allowances due. The maximum limit is set annually on the basis of the revaluation of the ISTAT consumer price index, considering the relevant category.

Withdrawal of benefits

The worker must return the sum if re-employed within the subsequent 24 month of disbursement of the advance. Inter-ministerial decree no. 142 of 17 February 1993 establishes that the worker must give written notice of the Labour within ten days from the beginning of the Labour activity to INPS structure that disbursed the advance. The office will proceed to recover the sum paid as a lump sum payment.

If the hiring is not communicated or is communicated the ten days after the period provided, the INPS office will recover the sum paid as a lump sum payment increased by legal interest starting from the day of re-Labour.

For the early benefits period, the ancillary services such as family allowance and imputed contribution are not due.


The mobility allowance require a period of service of at least 12 months of which at least six of actual work. Seniority means the length of service at the company that dismissed the worker.

The mobility allowance can be claimed by workers hired under permanent contracts, dismissed and under special lay-off scheme "collocamento in mobilità”  at the end of the Extraordinary Wage Compensation Fund (article 4, paragraph 1, Law 223/91) due to the impossibility to re-employ suspended workers or owing to staff reduction, following the transformation, restructuring and discontinuance of activities (so-called "group dismissal") of companies that employ more than 15 dependent workers, only if they are beneficiaries of the unemployment benefits  (article 24, Law 223/91).

When can I claim?

The claim must be received by the management committee of the social insurance scheme of welfare interventions and social security scheme support within 60 days from the dismissal or from the start date of the autonomous activity or cooperative association.

How can I claim?

To claim early mobility, the worker must claim to the competent Labour Center using the form DS21ant.

Labour Centres ascertain and attest the registration of applicants on the workers' mobility lists and the suitability of the documentation produced, expressing an opinion on the regularity of the documentation.