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HCP (Home Care Premium) – Home care assistance for dependent individuals

Publication: 21/03/2022

The home care assistance services are for dependent individuals, with the aim to intervene in their social and welfare sphere and prevent their cognitive decay.

Beneficiaries have the right:

  • to a financial contribution (main benefit) intended to reimburse expenses borne by the home care assistant hired with a domestic work contract;
  • to personal assistance services (additional benefits) provided by regional areas or organisations approved by the Institute, following authorisation of the social and welfare plan.

The list of regional social areas and approved public organisations is published on the website of the Institute, in the section dedicated to calls for tenders.

If there is no approved institute in their area of residence, the beneficiary has the right to a 10% increase on the amount of the main benefit, within the limit of the eligible sums in accordance with the notice.

The benefit is aimed at:

  • employees enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits;
  • pensioners who are direct or indirect users of the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme (GDP) and their spouses, if no separation order has been filed;
  • family members and first-degree relatives even if not cohabiting;
  • individuals in a civil union and cohabiting;
  • siblings of the holder, if they are not the holder’s tutor or assistant;
  • orphaned minors of employees previously enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits and of pensioners enrolled in the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme.

Minors cared after by the holder due to custody (family, legal or pre-adoptive) imposed by a judge are equivalent to children.

The beneficiaries must be identified as disabled major or minor individuals.

The call for tender is published on the website of the Institute in the welfare, assistance and mutuality section.

To send the proposal for taking part in the HCP Project, the interested regional areas or public institutes must use the “Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme: HCP home care assistance – benefit management (Regions, Regional and Social Areas, Local Health Authorities (ASL))” procedure available via the “Welfare Claims in one click” service or by clicking directly on the “Access the service” button.

If the beneficiary is not the same as the holder, the holder (including via a patronage institution or assistance from a Contact Centre) must register the beneficiary in advance using the “Access the welfare services” service. If the claim submission is delegated, is it necessary to attach the beneficiary’s delegation.

In order to send the claim, it is necessary to have submitted the Single Substitute Statement (DSU) to determine the social and welfare ISEE referring to the family unit of the beneficiary or the ISEE for minors with unmarried and non-cohabiting parents.

The ISEE value helps to determine the position in the list and the amount of the contribution to the beneficiary and regional area.

If a valid DSU is not submitted, the claim will be placed in a queue for the list of suitable claims. As a matter of fairness, priority is given to the eldest beneficiary.

Once the requirements envisaged by the notice have been verified, the INPS notifies the claimants that their claim has been accepted or rejected, with the invitation to amend or add missing information.


The claim can be submitted through the following channels:

  • dedicated on-line service (“Welfare claims in one click”), using the PIN issued by the Institute;
  • contact centre, by telephoning +39 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or +39 06 164 164 from mobile phones, again using the PIN;
  • patronage institutes, inserting the DSU registration number and the details of the report that certifies the disability status.