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Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme supplementary illness allowance

Publication: 23/03/2022

The INPS grants a supplementary illness allowance to those registered with the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme while employed who incur a payment reduction of 50%, or a suspension thereof, due to absence from work for an illness that occurs for no more than 12 months prior to the claim.

The supplementary illness allowance is due for those registered with the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme while employed.

The supplementary illness allowance is granted to a different extent depending on the payment reduction or suspension and the ISEE value of the family unit to which the holder belongs:

  • for a payment reduction of 50%, the percent of the benefit shall be 40% of the gross payment for a family unit with an ISEE value of up to 24 thousand euro, and 30% of the gross payment for higher ISEE values;
  • for a suspended payment, the benefit percentage is 80% of the gross payment for a family unit with an ISEE value of up to 24 thousand euro, and 60% of the gross payment for higher ISEE values.

How can I claim?

The claim for the supplementary illness allowance must be completed using form EN020 (available from the “Service Access” function), to be sent through certified email to or alternatively by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to INPS – Direzione centrale credito, welfare e strutture sociali -The claim must be submitted with the following attachments:

  • a copy of the decree issued by the competent school authority suspending or reducing remuneration to 50%;
  • copies of payment slips showing the reduction or suspension;
  • a copy of a payment slip before the reduction or suspension occurred.