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MAV payment (domestic workers massive emission)

Publication: 01/02/2022

INPS circular no. 49 of 13 March 2011 established, as one of the ways in which domestic contributions can be paid, the possibility of using MAV, special payment notices issued by the Banca Popolare di Sondrio, successful INPS tenderer, which uses the standardised interbank collection procedure with payment slips identified by a specific code.

The MAV can be used by those registered with the following registers:

  • employment consultants;
  • lawyers and solicitors;
  • chartered accountants;
  • accountants and commercial experts.

The subjects listed must send communications to the labour inspectorates of the provinces in which they intend to provide employer assistance.

The amount of the contributions requested in the MAV is calculated on the basis of the data declared at the time the domestic worker was hired or subsequently modified by means of a specific communication. However, taking into account the fact that during the domestic employment relationship there may be various cases (unpaid leave, overtime, termination, etc.) that, by changing the data used to determine the total amount of contributions, involve a change, domestic employers have been given the opportunity to generate a MAV with an amount that is consistent with the events that occurred in the employment relationship.

Through this service, accredited individuals may send the data required for determining the amount of the contributions due for each employer to the INPS and, after interaction with the bank, receive the subsequently generated MAV from the INPS.

For reasons of efficiency and cost sustainability, the service can only be provided, at least in this phase, for those who manage at least 1,000 employment relationships per quarter.

To access the massive MAV emission service, the authorised sender is required to complete and sign the adhesion form (PDF 33KB).

The form must be sent, according to what has been established by Article 38, paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28 December 2000, attaching a copy of the underwriter's identity document, to the email address

Registered members of lawyers and solicitors, chartered accountants, accountants and commercial experts must attach a copy of the notice to the labour inspection services of the provincial labour directorates.

The service is carried out through a transmission flow that allows the exchange of XML files with sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) between the sender and the Institute.

In order to meet the security requirements that the Institute imposes for the exchange of data with external subjects, each sender is required to use the access credentials (user ID and password) provided by the Institute at the time of accession.

The following procedure support documents are available:

  • Technical document with service specifications and data validation schemes (PDF 306KB)
  • Data validation scheme – LD Generation MAV xSM (zip 1KB)
  • Data validation scheme – LD Scheme Dictionary (zip 5KB)