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Outplacement: professional relocation for workers of companies registered with the Credit Solidarity Fund and the Cooperative Credit Solidarity Fund

Publication: 01/03/2022

Outplacement is one of the services offered by the Credit Fund and the Cooperative Credit Fund and allows the professional relocation of workers involved in processes aimed at reducing employment levels.

The measure consists in the financing, for the benefit of dismissed workers collecting the emergency allowance, of support programs for professional relocation, reduced by possible combination with relevant national or European Union funds.

The measure is funded partly by the employer.

Start date and duration

The outplacement can last a maximum duration of 12 months.

What am I entitled to?

The company charged with carrying out support programs for professional relocation invoices the entire cost of the service to the claimant company that pays the full fee. Once the authorisation has been obtained, the company recovers the amount charged to the Fund, net of the emergency contribution through the adjustment system of contributions due by the same companies for their dependent workers.

The emergency contribution is equal to half of the loan approved by the Fund and is paid by the employer after the implementation by the Management Committee of the resolution granting the outplacement.


Access to the services is subject to the completion of the contractual procedures envisaged for the processes that modify the working conditions of the personnel, determining the reduction of the occupational levels envisaged by the legislation. These procedures must be concluded under a company or group agreement.

Access to the outplacement service, in addition to the aforementioned regulation, is subject to compliance with the following conditions:

  • that companies have already been authorised to collect the emergency allowance;
  • that the workers claim, during the period of collection of the emergency allowance, the provision of professional relocation support;
  • that the use of professional relocation programs is included in the period of actual collection of the emergency allowance.

When can I claim?

The claim must be submitted after the execution of support programs for professional relocation.

How can I claim?

The service is accessed by completing the SR152 forms for the Cooperative Credit Fund and SR155 for the Credit Fund, which must be sent via Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) to the INPS office where the contribution is centralised or to the INPS office of the main office of the company, by filling in the PEC address of the DCPSR:

For more information, refer to INPS Circular no. 119 of 30 June 2016, concerning the Cooperative Credit Fund.