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Registration with the PSMSAD Fund and claims for grants

Publication: 09/03/2022

The PSMSAD Fund (Painters, Sculptors, Musicians, Writers and Drama Authors) supports beneficiaries in their professional activity by encouraging their training, improvement and affirmation in the national and international field, also in collaboration with other Italian and foreign institutions.

The Fund scheme, previously attributed to ENPALS, has now been merged into INPS - Central Management Support for non-self-sufficiency, Civilian invalidity and other benefits, with legal ownership entrusted to the Central Management for all address and management documents, including institutional activities for members, which have remained unchanged.

Enrolment in the PSMSAD Fund is aimed at Italian and EU citizens who work predominantly and on an on-going basis as painters, sculptors, musicians, writers and dramatists.

Italian and EU citizens between the ages of 18 and 35, who are not yet fully involved in artistic activities, but able to demonstrate their potential to take up an artistic profession may also register with the Fund.

The assets of the Fund are governed by the new regulation of the PSMSAD Fund, adopted by the presidential decision No. 151 of 20 November 2015 (pdf 647KB).


Registration with the Fund takes place with a claim (see "Accessing the benefit") and is valid for one year. Tacit renewal is formalised with the payment of the annual contribution, updated annually with presidential decision.

When the claim is accepted, participants must pay the one-time registration fee of €60 and the annual membership fee of €60, according to the following methods:

  • postal transfer to current account 14111009, payable to INPS DG EX FUND PSMSAD, via Ciro il Grande, 21 - 00144 Rome;
  • bank transfer on postal IBAN code IT 90Y 07601 03200 000014111009 (from the post office it is sufficient to pay into the postal current account No. 14111009, via generic post slip) with the reason "name, surname, contribution year and PSMSAD Fund".


Those registered with the Fund for a minimum of six months, in compliance with the annual payments and who meet the additional requisites envisaged by the regulation, may submit a claim for the granting of the following benefits:

  • contribution and / or sponsorship of events;
  • performance bonuses or encouragement and financial benefits;
  • contribution to promote interdisciplinary artistic events;
  • contribution and / or patronage for carrying out publishing activities.

Claims to request a contribution and / or sponsorship for events, for carrying out editorial activities or to promote interdisciplinary artistic events, must be submitted every year:

  • from 1 to 31 March for the initiatives planned from 1 July to 30 September of the same year;
  • from 1 to 30 June for the initiatives planned from 1 October to 31 December of the same year;
  • from 1 to 30 September for the initiatives planned from 1 January to 31 March of the following year;
  • from 1 to 31 December for the initiatives scheduled from 1 April to 30 June of the same year;

When the initiatives overlap in more periods (for example from 28 June to 6 July), the claim must be submitted within the deadline set for the initiative start date (in the example cited must therefore be submitted by 31 December).

Claims to request performance bonuses or awards for encouragement and financial benefits must be submitted each year in accordance with the terms of submission set out in Articles 18 and 28 of the aforementioned regulation:

  • from 1 to 31 March;
  • from 1 to 30 June;
  • from 1 to 30 September;
  • from 1 to 31 December.

The grant claim must be submitted by completing the on-line form “Richieste concessioni al Fondo PSMSAD” (claims for grants to the PSMSAD Fund) (see “Accessing the benefit”)and attaching the requested documentation to be submitted to the certified email address (PEC) or to be submitted by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt: INPS - - Central Management Support for non-self-sufficiency, civilian invalidity and other benefits - PSMSAD Fund - Viale A. Ballarin, n. 42 - 00142 Rome.


Below is the documentation to be attached to the claim for the granting of individual benefits.

  • For the contribution and / or sponsorship of events, for carrying out editorial activities or to promote interdisciplinary artistic events, the following documents must be attached:
    • an analytical description of the initiative and its artistic value with information on the possible intervention of other public or private institutions, complete with a draft or copy of the signed brochure and curriculum vitae;
    • an analytical detail of cost items for which assistance is requested to INPS complete with at least three cost estimates drawn up on letterhead paper (dated and signed by the legal representative of the company or by the owner of the sole proprietorship that draws it up), for claims of contributions of up to €20 thousand including VAT and at least five estimates for requests exceeding €20 thousand including VAT;
    • a declaration certifying the possible marriage or kinship / affinity ties within the third grade of the beneficiary, with any members of the Technical Commissions.
  • For performance bonuses or encouragement and contributions to the costs of study or training, it is necessary to attach a motivated complete claim of documentation on the professional activities carried out during the last five years or of courses of study and the certificates obtained during stays abroad and the signed curriculum vitae.
  • For financial benefits, a justified complete claim must be enclosed with documentation capable of providing evidence on the specifically serious events that hinder the professional activities and the signed resume.

Welfare benefits paid cannot exceed:

  • €1,800 for an incentive bonus;
  • €2,580 for the performance bonus;
  • €2,580 for grants for study and training expenses;
  • €2,580 for financial benefits.


All claims are subject to the technical opinion of Commissions.

With presidential decision No. 93 of 12 July 2016 (pdf 105KB) and subsequent amendments and additions, the following members of the four Technical Commissions of the PSMSAD Fund have been appointed for three years:

Musicians category

  1. Figura Antonio
  2. Colazzo Cosima Leonardo
  3. Conti Nicoletta

Writers category

  1. Cutolo Carolina
  2. Prattichizzo Giovanni
  3. Parrella Emidio

Painters and sculptors category

  1. Cattani Silvio
  2. Agliottone Marianna
  3. Viola Antonello

Dramatists category

  1. Rao Carlo
  2. Cinque Massimo
  3. Ministeri Giuseppe