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Claim a change in the rate of the building mortgage loan

Publication: 10/05/2022

Those enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits, holders of a loan contract, can claim a change in the mortgage loan rate.

The claim for changes is intended only for those enrolled in the Unified Scheme of Credit and Social Benefits holders of a loan agreement signed in accordance with the following Regulations for the provision of mortgage loans:

  • Regulation approved by Decision of the INPS President no. 79 of 24 July 2015;
  • Regulation approved by Decision of the INPS President no. 101 of 1 August 2018.

Based on the Regulations for the disbursement of mortgage loans approved by the aforementioned presidential decisions, the interest rate on the contractually established mortgage loan can change from fixed to variable and vice versa one time only during the amortisation period and after two years from the completion of the loan agreement.

If the member defaults, the acceptance of the claim is subject to the prior regularisation of the debt position.

The claim for changes to the interest rate can be submitted online to INPS using the dedicated service.