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“Quota 100” pension

Publication: 13/04/2022

The "Quota 100" pension is an economic benefit provided, upon claim, to dependent workers and self-employed workers who, in the period between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2021, meet the requirements prescribed by law.

The benefit can be granted to workers enrolled in the Compulsory General Insurance (AGO) scheme - which includes the Employees’ Pension Fund (FPLD) and the special pension funds for self-employed workers (artisans, traders, independent farmers, tenant farmers and sharecroppers) - including its replacement and exclusive schemes. It can also be granted to workers enrolled in the Separate pension scheme managed by INPS.

Military personnel of the Armed Forces, personnel of the Police and Penitentiary Police, operating personnel of the National Fire Department and personnel of Finance Police cannot access the benefit.


The provisions on the effective date vary according to the employer, public or private, or the social security scheme in which the pension is paid.

Dependent workers employed by employers other than public administrations and self-employed workers:

  • who have completed the requirements by 31 December 2018, obtain the right to collect pension benefits from 1 April 2019;
  • who complete the requirements starting from 1 January 2019, obtain the right to collect pension benefits after three months from the date when these requirements have been met (so-called “window”).

With reference to the aforementioned workers, if the pension payments are made under a social security scheme other than the exclusive scheme of the AGO, the first effective date of the payment is established on the first day of the month following that when the "window" opens.

With reference to dependent workers, if the pension payments are made under one of the exclusive schemes of the AGO (e.g. Separate Pension Scheme for Civil Servants, Local Authority Employee Pension Fund, Judicial Officers' Pension Fund, etc.), the first effective date of the aforementioned benefit is established on the day subsequent to the day when the "window" opens.

Civil Servants employed by the public administrations referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, Legislative Decree no. 165 of 30 March 2001:

  • who have completed the requirements by 29 January 2019, obtain the right to collect pension benefits from 1 August 2019;
  • who have completed the requirements starting from 30 January 2019, obtain the right to collect the pension payments on the first effective date once six months have elapsed from the date when the requirements have been met ("window") and, in any case, no earlier than 1 August 2019.

With reference to the aforementioned workers, where the pension benefits are paid by: 

  • an exclusive scheme of the AGO, the first effective date of the aforementioned payment is established on the day subsequent to the opening of the "window";
  • a scheme other than the exclusive scheme of the AGO, the first effective date of the payment is established on the first day of the month subsequent to the opening of the "window".

Staff in the school sector and at Institutes for Advanced Artistic, Musical and Choral Education (AFAM) are entitled to their pension starting from 1 September and 1 November, respectively, in the year in which the necessary requirement is met.

The right to benefit from the “Quota 100” pension with the totalization of insurance periods paid or credited to two or more schemes among those indicated by the law is established, according to the indications of the preceding points 1 and 2, in relation to the last position held by employee of public administrations, by employee of institutions other than public administrations or self-employed worker. For workers who carried out their last work activity as civil servants of public administrations, in case of simultaneous registration with more than one pension scheme, the provisions of the previous point 2 apply. The cumulative pension payments start, in any case, from the first day of the month subsequent to when the "window" opens.

Workers who meet requirements in the period between 2019 and 2021 can receive retirement benefits at any time after the "window" has opened.


The “Quota 100” pension payments require the termination of the employment relationship.

Applicants can claim the “Quota 100” pension payments if they reached, during the period between 2019 and 2021, 62 years old and have made qualifying contributions for not less than 38 years.

In order to achieve this contributory requirement, the contribution for any type of security paid or credited to the insured individual can be assessed, without prejudice to the simultaneous requirement to reach a 35-year contribution period net of periods of illness, unemployment and/or equivalent benefits, if required by the pension scheme responsible for pension payments.

The contributory requirement for the “Quota 100” pension can be completed, at the claim of the interested party, also by cumulating all and in full the insurance periods paid or credited to the AGO, the substitute and exclusive forms thereof, managed by the INPS, as well as the Separate Pension Scheme. A direct pension payable by one of the aforementioned forms of compulsory insurance precludes the exercise of the right to accumulate insurance periods.

Non-cumulation of the pension with employment income

The “Quota 100” pension cannot be cumulated with the income deriving from any work activity, even if carried out abroad, with the exception of those deriving from occasional self-employment within the limit of € 5,000 gross per year. This non-cumulation applied for the period between the starting date of the pension and the maturity date of the age requirement for old-age pension - adjusted to the increase in life expectancy - provided for by the scheme disbursing the “Quota 100” pension payments. The production of income deriving from work activities other than occasional independent work, or the production of income deriving from occasional self-employment exceeding the limit of € 5,000 gross per year results in the suspension of the pension payments in the year when the aforementioned income was generated and the possible recovery of pension instalments unduly paid.


The “Quota 100” pension claim can be submitted to INPS on-line using the dedicated service entitled “Claim for seniority pension/ early “Quota 100””.

Alternatively, the claim can be submitted:

  • telephoning the contact centre at 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or +39 06 164 164 from mobile phones;
  • electronic services offered by patronage institutes and intermediaries thereof.