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For disabled/impaired/incapacitated persons

The list of services to claim benefits for the disabled, impaired or incapacitated

Select the service according to the types of benefits: contributions (for persons who are not self-sufficient, extraordinary contribution), grants (monthly assistance allowance, ordinary invalidity allowance) or allowances (special allowance, communication allowance, attendance allowance).


Access to “INPS and Municipalities” services

Sharing information and services between the Municipalities and INPS

Administrative appeal civilian invalidity

Motion addressed to the competent Institution aimed at obtaining the annulment or reform of an administrative decision

Affiliated services - RED campaigns and Civilian Invalidity

The area is aimed at those authorised to provide tax assistance who have signed the agreement on assignment and regulation of the collection of Red models

Allowance for unemployed or single-income parents with disabled children

Claim for a contribution to one of the parents, unemployed or single-income, with dependent children with a recognised disability of at least 60%

CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) Portal

Viewing and management of services for CAFs

Citizens' Social Security Portal

Citizens' Social Security Portal

Civilian invalidity claim and health assessment

Verification of health requirements useful for obtaining recognition of civilian invalidity, blindness, deafness, disability and handicap

Claim for contribution for severe physical impairment and serious illness for ex-IPOST members

Claim for financial contribution for severe physical impairment and serious illness for members of the ex IPOST fund scheme

Consultation of civilian invalidity reports (ASL - Local Health Authority)

The tool allows you to consult and verify the correctness of the information on the civilian invalidity reports

Consultation of contributions/social security Account statement

List of payments from work, imputed, voluntary and redemption payments, divided according to the relevant pension scheme

Consultation of contributions/social security account statement for civil servants

Verification of the insurance position, archival data and future social security assessments for civil servants

Disability Portal

Access to services aimed at civilian invalids and civilian blind, the deaf, individuals with handicaps, individuals with disabilities

Display of undue amounts

View of undue sums ascertained at one’s own expense and activation of an instalment recovery plan with cash remittance.

Education contributions for children and orphans of beneficiaries of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme

Payment of education contributions for children or orphans and equivalent of employees or pensioners enrolled in the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme who have a disability

Enclosure of health documentation - civilian invalidity (citizens)

Submission of health documentation for claim for invalidity, aggravation or revision. Evaluation of the documents entrusted to a medical commission

European Disability Card

Claim for access to services and benefits for disabled persons. The aim is to contribute to the social inclusion of persons with disabilities within the community

Examination of socio-economic and income information to grant benefit

Verification of socio-economic and income information to grant benefits

Extraordinary contribution to members of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme

Claim for extraordinary solidarity contribution for members of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme in economic need

Financial contribution for the support and assistance of non-self-sufficient pensioners (Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme)

The service allows you to claim for a supplementary financial contribution for support and assistance. It is aimed at pensioners and non-self-sufficient persons with a complete and permanent incapacity to work who are enrolled in the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme.

Generation of a QR-Code for civilian impaired persons certifying their status

Generation of a QR-code that contains information on the civilian invalidity of the claimant and allows them to certify their status

HCP – Home Care for the non-Self-Sufficient (Home Care Premium), Benefits Management

Claim for social assistance with right to financial contribution and personal assistance services for non-self-sufficient employees and pensioners

Online PIN

Claim PINs to access the INPS services for citizens residing abroad without Italian identification documents

Online Postal Box

View of all automated correspondence sent by INPS from 2006 to date

Online management of paying agencies

This service allows paying agencies to be managed directly online. It is aimed at public and social security institutions

Online submission of death certificates

The services grants access to general information on social benefits and functions for managing claims

Ordinary audits - Civilian invalidity (ASL - Local Health Authority)

Verification of the fulfilment of the requirements for the recognition of civilian invalidity, civilian blindness, deafness, disability and handicap

Ordinary invalidity allowance for persons with reduced capability for work

Claim for ordinary invalidity allowance for employees, self-employed persons and members of the Separate Pension Scheme

Ordinary invalidity allowance: confirmation claim

Confirmation claim of the ordinary invalidity allowance for employees, self-employed persons and members of the Separate Pension Scheme

Portal for Court-appointed Expert Physicians

Portal for Court-appointed Expert Physicians

QR-Code on the civilian invalidity reports

Procedure that verifies the authenticity of the report by accessing up-to-date information, avoiding the risk of modifications to the paper report

Responsibility statements and compensated admissions

Statement of responsibility and existence of requirements, for persons receiving civilian invalidity and holders of a social pension or allowance

Services for entertainment workers

Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers

Sportelli di Sede (Office Counters): information on opening hours and the booking service

Information on the offices open to the public. Allows you to reserve access to the counters

Status of a case or claim

Verification of the processing status of requests and claims submitted by users to INPS

Status of payments

Consultation of payments to a user entitled to a benefit, including pensions


Telecare in support of the Home Care Premium (HCP) project

Claim for accreditation for commercial companies providing telecare, remote assistance and telemonitoring for HCP

Unified Information System for Welfare Services (SIUSS) - Assistance Record

Collection and management service of welfare positions and benefits provided by INPS. It was established by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies


VARCO LAV (Claim for contribution change) - experimental phase

Service through which the INPS insured worker detects inaccuracies contained in the Unified Account Statement

Vulnerable users channel (disabled persons and seniors)

Request for documents or appointments in web meetings with an operator for users with disabilities or who are pensioners over the age of eighty


Welfare as a Service

The service lets you analyse, through a set of dashboards that report statistical data, the welfare benefits provided at central and local level in Italy.

Thematic areas

A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.

Access to “INPS and Municipalities” services

Sharing information and services between the Municipalities and INPS

Administrative appeal civilian invalidity

Motion addressed to the competent Institution aimed at obtaining the annulment or reform of an administrative decision

Affiliated services - RED campaigns and Civilian Invalidity

The area is aimed at those authorised to provide tax assistance who have signed the agreement on assignment and regulation of the collection of Red models

Allowance for unemployed or single-income parents with disabled children

Claim for a contribution to one of the parents, unemployed or single-income, with dependent children with a recognised disability of at least 60%

CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) Portal

Viewing and management of services for CAFs

Civilian invalidity claim and health assessment

Verification of health requirements useful for obtaining recognition of civilian invalidity, blindness, deafness, disability and handicap

Claim for contribution for severe physical impairment and serious illness for ex-IPOST members

Claim for financial contribution for severe physical impairment and serious illness for members of the ex IPOST fund scheme

Consultation of civilian invalidity reports (ASL - Local Health Authority)

The tool allows you to consult and verify the correctness of the information on the civilian invalidity reports

Consultation of contributions/social security Account statement

List of payments from work, imputed, voluntary and redemption payments, divided according to the relevant pension scheme

Consultation of contributions/social security account statement for civil servants

Verification of the insurance position, archival data and future social security assessments for civil servants

Disability Portal

Access to services aimed at civilian invalids and civilian blind, the deaf, individuals with handicaps, individuals with disabilities

Display of undue amounts

View of undue sums ascertained at one’s own expense and activation of an instalment recovery plan with cash remittance.

Education contributions for children and orphans of beneficiaries of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme

Payment of education contributions for children or orphans and equivalent of employees or pensioners enrolled in the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme who have a disability

Enclosure of health documentation - civilian invalidity (citizens)

Submission of health documentation for claim for invalidity, aggravation or revision. Evaluation of the documents entrusted to a medical commission

European Disability Card

Claim for access to services and benefits for disabled persons. The aim is to contribute to the social inclusion of persons with disabilities within the community

Examination of socio-economic and income information to grant benefit

Verification of socio-economic and income information to grant benefits

Extraordinary contribution to members of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme

Claim for extraordinary solidarity contribution for members of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme in economic need

Financial contribution for the support and assistance of non-self-sufficient pensioners (Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme)

The service allows you to claim for a supplementary financial contribution for support and assistance. It is aimed at pensioners and non-self-sufficient persons with a complete and permanent incapacity to work who are enrolled in the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme.

Generation of a QR-Code for civilian impaired persons certifying their status

Generation of a QR-code that contains information on the civilian invalidity of the claimant and allows them to certify their status

HCP – Home Care for the non-Self-Sufficient (Home Care Premium), Benefits Management

Claim for social assistance with right to financial contribution and personal assistance services for non-self-sufficient employees and pensioners

Online PIN

Claim PINs to access the INPS services for citizens residing abroad without Italian identification documents

Online Postal Box

View of all automated correspondence sent by INPS from 2006 to date

Online management of paying agencies

This service allows paying agencies to be managed directly online. It is aimed at public and social security institutions

Online submission of death certificates

The services grants access to general information on social benefits and functions for managing claims

Ordinary audits - Civilian invalidity (ASL - Local Health Authority)

Verification of the fulfilment of the requirements for the recognition of civilian invalidity, civilian blindness, deafness, disability and handicap

Ordinary invalidity allowance for persons with reduced capability for work

Claim for ordinary invalidity allowance for employees, self-employed persons and members of the Separate Pension Scheme

Ordinary invalidity allowance: confirmation claim

Confirmation claim of the ordinary invalidity allowance for employees, self-employed persons and members of the Separate Pension Scheme

Portal for Court-appointed Expert Physicians

Portal for Court-appointed Expert Physicians

QR-Code on the civilian invalidity reports

Procedure that verifies the authenticity of the report by accessing up-to-date information, avoiding the risk of modifications to the paper report

Responsibility statements and compensated admissions

Statement of responsibility and existence of requirements, for persons receiving civilian invalidity and holders of a social pension or allowance

Services for entertainment workers

Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers

Sportelli di Sede (Office Counters): information on opening hours and the booking service

Information on the offices open to the public. Allows you to reserve access to the counters

Status of a case or claim

Verification of the processing status of requests and claims submitted by users to INPS

Status of payments

Consultation of payments to a user entitled to a benefit, including pensions

Telecare in support of the Home Care Premium (HCP) project

Claim for accreditation for commercial companies providing telecare, remote assistance and telemonitoring for HCP

Unified Information System for Welfare Services (SIUSS) - Assistance Record

Collection and management service of welfare positions and benefits provided by INPS. It was established by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies

VARCO LAV (Claim for contribution change) - experimental phase

Service through which the INPS insured worker detects inaccuracies contained in the Unified Account Statement

Vulnerable users channel (disabled persons and seniors)

Request for documents or appointments in web meetings with an operator for users with disabilities or who are pensioners over the age of eighty

Welfare as a Service

The service lets you analyse, through a set of dashboards that report statistical data, the welfare benefits provided at central and local level in Italy.


The list of tools to perform management, consultation, modification or claim operations.