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Guarantee funds

The list of services to claim assistance from Guarantee Funds

Select the service according to the applicable Fund: Guarantee Fund for Supplementary Social Security Position or Severance Indemnity TFR Guarantee Fund and Work Credits.


Guarantee Funds - (SR52/SR95) Declaration of the person in charge of the bankruptcy proceedings

Guarantee Funds - (SR52/SR95) Declaration of the person in charge of the bankruptcy proceedings

Guarantee fund for access to a financial advance on TFS/TFR

A service that is aimed at paying bodies, with the exception of INPS, which manage the disbursement of TFS/TFR to their employees

Guarantee fund for the TFR (Severance Indemnity) and work credits

Claim for intervention by the Guarantee Fund for the TFR (Severance Indemnity) and work credits for employed workers who have terminated their employment relationship

Thematic areas

A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.

Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme: services for workers and pensioners

Visualisation of services for workers and pensioners enrolled with the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme

Services for entertainment workers

Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers