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Social Security Rights and Obligations in the European Union

Publication: 19 June 2020 Last update: 10 December 2020

This section provides information on social security rights and obligations in the European Union.
The information is divided into three sections 'For Citizens', 'Procedures' and 'For The Business'.

Below is the table of contents of the section 'For Citizens’:

  • Retirement benefits;
  • Sickness Benefit;
  • Family benefits;
  • Unemployment benefits - NASpI and DIS-COLL;
  • Maternity and paternity leave allowance.

Below is the table of contents of the 'Procedures' section:

  • Pension slip
  • Citizens’ social security portal;
  • Pension Claim, Pension amount variation, Accruals, ECOCERT, Social APE (advance pension payment) and Early Benefit;
  • Contributions Account Statement;
  • Maternity;
  • Services for businesses and consultants;
  • Business registration and change procedure;
  • Facilities Portal.

Below is the table of contents of the 'For The Business' section:

  • Registering as an employer;
  • Employers: classification and automated grading procedure;
  • Establishing, changing and terminating an employment contract: the computerised system     for sending compulsory notifications;
  • Workers moving within the European Union: social security contributions;
  • Social security contributions;
  • Contribution rates;
  • Calculation of contributions;
  • Minimum daily wage;
  • Calculating the minimum of wage
  • Minimum of wage for workers abroad and part-time workers;
  • UniEmens pay and contributions report. Worker’s contributions statement;
  • Payment of social security contributions.