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For low-income persons
The list of services to claim benefits for low-income persons
Select the service according to the types of benefit: allowance (social allowance, temporary allowance, family allowance, solidarity allowance), Support for Active Inclusion (SIA), Purchasing Card, Citizens’ Income or Pension.
Access to services for patronage institutes
Services for patronage institutes
Access to “INPS and Municipalities” services
Sharing information and services between the Municipalities and INPS
Benefit for the repatriation of workers from third countries
Claim for assistance from the Fund for the repatriation of third-country workers
CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) Portal
Viewing and management of services for CAFs
Citizens' Social Security Portal
Citizens' Social Security Portal
Consultation of contributions/social security Account statement
List of payments from work, imputed, voluntary and redemption payments, divided according to the relevant pension scheme
Consultation of contributions/social security account statement for civil servants
Verification of the insurance position, archival data and future social security assessments for civil servants
Display of undue amounts
View of undue sums ascertained at one’s own expense and activation of an instalment recovery plan with cash remittance.
Family allowances
Claim for support for families of workers with total income below the limits set by law.
Inclusion allowance (ADI)
Claim for contribution and inclusion in active employment policies and training courses for economically vulnerable users
Income support benefits: accessing the claim portal
Income support benefits: accessing the claim portal
Intermittent employment allowance for entertainment industry workers
Income support claim for entertainment industry workers. It must be submitted by 30 March each year
Online PIN
Claim PINs to access the INPS services for citizens residing abroad without Italian identification documents
Online Postal Box
View of all automated correspondence sent by INPS from 2006 to date
Online management of paying agencies
This service allows paying agencies to be managed directly online. It is aimed at public and social security institutions
Point of access to non-pension benefits
Services for entertainment workers
Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers
Services under agreement (Foreign welfare institutions)
Services under contract (Regions and Autonomous Provinces)
Sending of claims for payment of subsidies and monitoring of committed resources carried out by Regions and Autonomous Provinces
Social Analysis Portal (PAS)
Portal made available by INPS to support the planning and monitoring of social policies
Social allowance
Claim for social allowance for Italian and foreign citizens in difficult economic conditions and with annual incomes below the thresholds provided for by law
Solidarity Allowance - Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme
Claim for solidarity allowance for surviving family members of people registered with Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme who died in active employment
Sportelli di Sede (Office Counters): information on opening hours and the booking service
Information on the offices open to the public. Allows you to reserve access to the counters
Status of a case or claim
Verification of the processing status of requests and claims submitted by users to INPS
Status of payments
Consultation of payments to a user entitled to a benefit, including pensions
Submission of claims, instructions and software for social benefits
The services grants access to general information on social benefits and functions for managing claims
Supplementary benefits - Waiver
Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme: supplementary temporary allowance
Claim for a supplementary temporary allowance for members of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme or their survivors in straitened circumstances
Unified Information System for Welfare Services (SIUSS) - Assistance Record
Collection and management service of welfare positions and benefits provided by INPS. It was established by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies
VARCO LAV (Claim for contribution change) - experimental phase
Service through which the INPS insured worker detects inaccuracies contained in the Unified Account Statement
Validation of ADI certifications
Validation service for ADI certifications attesting to disadvantaged conditions, addressed to ASLs (Local Health Authorities)
Welfare as a Service
The service lets you analyse, through a set of dashboards that report statistical data, the welfare benefits provided at central and local level in Italy.
Thematic areas
A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.
Access to services for patronage institutes
Services for patronage institutes
Access to “INPS and Municipalities” services
Sharing information and services between the Municipalities and INPS
Benefit for the repatriation of workers from third countries
Claim for assistance from the Fund for the repatriation of third-country workers
CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) Portal
Viewing and management of services for CAFs
Citizens' Social Security Portal
Citizens' Social Security Portal
Consultation of contributions/social security Account statement
List of payments from work, imputed, voluntary and redemption payments, divided according to the relevant pension scheme
Consultation of contributions/social security account statement for civil servants
Verification of the insurance position, archival data and future social security assessments for civil servants
Display of undue amounts
View of undue sums ascertained at one’s own expense and activation of an instalment recovery plan with cash remittance.
Family allowances
Claim for support for families of workers with total income below the limits set by law.
INPS Responds
INPS Responds
Inclusion allowance (ADI)
Claim for contribution and inclusion in active employment policies and training courses for economically vulnerable users
Income support benefits: accessing the claim portal
Income support benefits: accessing the claim portal
Intermittent employment allowance for entertainment industry workers
Income support claim for entertainment industry workers. It must be submitted by 30 March each year
Online PIN
Claim PINs to access the INPS services for citizens residing abroad without Italian identification documents
Online Postal Box
View of all automated correspondence sent by INPS from 2006 to date
Online management of paying agencies
This service allows paying agencies to be managed directly online. It is aimed at public and social security institutions
Point of access to non-pension benefits
Services for entertainment workers
Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers
Services under agreement (Foreign welfare institutions)
Services under contract (Regions and Autonomous Provinces)
Sending of claims for payment of subsidies and monitoring of committed resources carried out by Regions and Autonomous Provinces
Social Analysis Portal (PAS)
Portal made available by INPS to support the planning and monitoring of social policies
Social allowance
Claim for social allowance for Italian and foreign citizens in difficult economic conditions and with annual incomes below the thresholds provided for by law
Solidarity Allowance - Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme
Claim for solidarity allowance for surviving family members of people registered with Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme who died in active employment
Sportelli di Sede (Office Counters): information on opening hours and the booking service
Information on the offices open to the public. Allows you to reserve access to the counters
Status of a case or claim
Verification of the processing status of requests and claims submitted by users to INPS
Status of payments
Consultation of payments to a user entitled to a benefit, including pensions
Submission of claims, instructions and software for social benefits
The services grants access to general information on social benefits and functions for managing claims
Supplementary benefits - Waiver
Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme: supplementary temporary allowance
Claim for a supplementary temporary allowance for members of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme or their survivors in straitened circumstances
Unified Information System for Welfare Services (SIUSS) - Assistance Record
Collection and management service of welfare positions and benefits provided by INPS. It was established by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies
VARCO LAV (Claim for contribution change) - experimental phase
Service through which the INPS insured worker detects inaccuracies contained in the Unified Account Statement
Validation of ADI certifications
Validation service for ADI certifications attesting to disadvantaged conditions, addressed to ASLs (Local Health Authorities)
Welfare as a Service
The service lets you analyse, through a set of dashboards that report statistical data, the welfare benefits provided at central and local level in Italy.
The list of tools to perform management, consultation, modification or claim operations.