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Contributions Refund

The list of services for claiming compensation or refund of unduly paid contributions

Select the service according to the operations that can be carried out: compensation of overpaid contributions or refund of unduly paid contributions.



Artisans and Traders: refund of unduly-paid contributions

Claim for the refund of unduly paid social security contributions for artisans and traders

Certification of the withholding agent

Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.


Refund of farms contributions

Claim for the refund of contributions following excess payments, exemption or reduction of contributions for agricultural business owners

Tax assistance (730/4): citizen services

The service allows the consultation of the adjustments deriving from the Income Tax Returns - Form 730 that INPS receives from the Revenue Agency

Certification of the withholding agent

Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income

Claim for contributory compensation for artisans and traders

Claim for compensation for social security contributions for owners of artisan and commercial companies

Claim to change the Insurance Position (Richiesta di Variazione della Posizione Assicurativa - RVPA) of civil servants

This service allows the civil servants to report any inaccuracies and errors contained in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme Account Statement. The claim can be submitted online. The deadline for reply is set at 30 days.

Tax assistance (730/4): citizen services

The service allows the consultation of the adjustments deriving from the Income Tax Returns - Form 730 that INPS receives from the Revenue Agency

Thematic areas

A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.

Access to services for domestic workers

Consultation of services to manage domestic work relations

Access to “INPS and Municipalities” services

Sharing information and services between the Municipalities and INPS

CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) Portal

Viewing and management of services for CAFs

Civil Servants: services for administrations, institutions and companies

View of the services for administrations, institutions and companies enrolled in the Civil Servants' Pension Scheme

Services for entertainment workers

Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers

Social Security Box for Artisans and Traders

Consultation of the account statement and summary of the credit and debit situation

Social Security Box for Clients of the Separate Pension Scheme

Consultation of operations of the social security box, management of delegation and communications activities

Social Security Box for freelance professionals

Consultation of personal details, submission of requets and management of communications with INPS

Social Security Box for self-employed agricultural workers

Consultation and verification of company status and management of communications with INPS

Social security box (Domestic employers)

Management of data of the domestic work relationship and related communications


The list of tools to perform management, consultation, modification or claim operations.