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Support for dismissed workers
The list of services to claim support for dismissed workers
Select the service according to the support instrument for dismissed workers: emergency/supplementary allowance or ordinary integration allowance.
Thematic areas
A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.
Consultation of contributions/social security Account statement
List of payments from work, imputed, voluntary and redemption payments, divided according to the relevant pension scheme
INPS Responds
INPS Responds
Online PIN
Claim PINs to access the INPS services for citizens residing abroad without Italian identification documents
Online Postal Box
View of all automated correspondence sent by INPS from 2006 to date
Services for entertainment workers
Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers
Sportelli di Sede (Office Counters): information on opening hours and the booking service
Information on the offices open to the public. Allows you to reserve access to the counters
VARCO LAV (Claim for contribution change) - experimental phase
Service through which the INPS insured worker detects inaccuracies contained in the Unified Account Statement
The list of tools to perform management, consultation, modification or claim operations.