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Social security benefits and deductions
The list of services to submit claims for social security benefits and tax deductions
Select the service according to the claims that can be made: reconstitution of the 14th month, pension increase, supplementary pension, imputed contributions, calculation of periods worked for the State and tax deductions.
Additional amount for minimum pensions
Claim for an additional supplementary amount to the pension for those who receive one or more pensions not exceeding, collectively, the minimum amount
Calculation of periods for members of the Post Office Pension Fund and the Special Fund for staff of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA
Claim to count, for pension purposes, periods of work rendered to the State and other public bodies for members of the Post Office Pension Fund and the Special Fund for staff of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA
Calculation of working periods in the public sector
Claim to count periods of work rendered to the State and other public institutions for civil servants (CTPS)
Certification of the withholding agent
Claim for certification of the remuneration received during the previous year. This can be requested claimed by citizens who have received income
Certified Statement of Account (ECOCERT and ECOMAR)
Claim allowing workers to claim for pensions and benefits such as invalidity allowance, social allowance and pension recalculation
Claim for tax deductions for pensioners living abroad
Claim for tax deductions for pensioners living abroad with dependent family members
Declaration for the right to tax deductions for income and dependent family members
Claim to obtain tax deductions. Recipients of all taxable benefits provided by INPS are entitled
Social security benefits those engaged in strenuous work
Claim for access to early pension with the reduced requirements for public or private workers who perform arduous work activities
Tax deduction declarations for pensioners resident in Italy
Claim for tax deductions for pensioners residing in Italy with dependent family members with a gross annual income of less than 2,840 euro
Thematic areas
A list of thematic areas that include several services on a specific topic.
Access to services for patronage institutes
Services for patronage institutes
Affiliated services - RED campaigns and Civilian Invalidity
The area is aimed at those authorised to provide tax assistance who have signed the agreement on assignment and regulation of the collection of Red models
CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) Portal
Viewing and management of services for CAFs
Claim for Pension, Reconstitution, Accruals, Certifications, Social APE indemnity and “early” Benefit
Submission of claims for Pension, Reconstitution, Accruals, Certifications, Social APE indemnity and “early” Benefit
Services for entertainment workers
Information relating to services dedicated to artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers
Services under agreement for Public Administrations
Services under agreement for Public Administrations
The list of tools to perform management, consultation, modification or claim operations.