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Thematic area
The thematic area is a portal that hosts a list of services dealing with the same topic
Artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers
Publication: 13 December 2022 Latest update: 29 May 2023
What is it?
The services for entertainment workers portal includes:
- News;
- Pensions under international regime;
- Regulations;
- FAQs;
- Services.
Who is it aimed at?
The information portal is aimed at all workers registered with the Entertainment Workers' Pension Fund (FPLS).
Since 1 August 1997, the categories of Fund members have been divided into three groups:
- fixed-termworkers with artistic or technical activities, directly connected to the production and performance of shows;
- fixed-term workers with activities other than those included in the previous point;
- permanent
The updated list of categories of workers enrolled in the Fund can be found in Annex 1 of INPS Circular no. 83 of 20 May 2016 (included in Annex 1 of INPS Circular no. 155 of 20 October 2021).
How does it work?
Electronic services are accessed using specific credentials (SPID, CIE, CNS).
Alternatively, claims can be made by:
- Telephoning the Contact Centre on 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or on 164 164 from mobile phones;
- patronage institutes, using the electronic services they offer.
Other information
Article 1 of Legislative Decree no. 182/1997 (resulting from the list given in art. 3 of Legislative Decree no. 708 of 16 July 1947, as amended by Law no. 2388 of 29 November 1952) had divided workers into two groups:
- artistic and technical staff with an occasional or fixed-term employment relationship;
- employees of companies with worker or clerical qualifications, holders of permanent employment relationships.
The evolution of the relevant legislation has contributed to:
- broadening the categories of workers eligible for the Fund;
- determining the modification of the access requirements;
- determining the modification of the methods for calculating pension benefits.