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Administrations, Institutions, and Companies
Publication: 22 June 2021
What is it?
As manager of the Guarantee Fund for access to a financial advance on the TFS and TFR severance indemnities, by employees of public administrations referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, Decree-Law no. 4 of 28 January 2019, converted, with amendments, by Law no. 26 of 28 March 2018, the INPS provides a service for the management of the release of the guarantee for financing purposes.
Who is it aimed at?
The service is aimed at institutes providing social security benefits, except the INPS, which manage the provision of TFS/TFR to their employees.
How does it work?
The institute providing social security benefits must first register in the appropriate section of the portal. The registration certifies, for all legal purposes, that the institute providing social security benefits is one of the employers referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, of Decree-Law 4/2019 and constitutes the right to access the dedicated online services.
Personnel of an already authorised institute providing social security benefits can access the “Online service for institutes providing social security benefits” of the INPS portal, by using their credentials. The service immediately verifies whether the institute providing social security benefits is registered in the section of the portal. If it is not registered, the procedure does not allow the activity to continue.
The service provides the “Guarantee release claim” function that enables a guarantee to be acquired online, and the “Viewing of guarantee release claims”, to monitor the status of claims sent to the Institute.
By accessing the “Guarantee release claim” function, the procedure requires the inclusion of the following information:
- identification data of the institute providing social security benefits;
- identification data of the employee claiming the loan;
- number of the proposed loan agreement.
Based on this data, the procedure calculates the level of fees for access to the Guarantee Fund and shows the summary of the information relating to the proposed loan agreement, allowing any necessary modifications. By selecting “Send”, the claim for the issue of the guarantee against the proposed loan agreement is completed.
The procedure also carries out the checks required by current legislation, namely:
- it verifies that the bank receiving the loan proposal is registered in the appropriate section of the portal, dedicated to banks adhering to the Framework Agreement approved by Ministerial Decree no. 51 of 19 August 2020. If a bank is not configured in the portal, the procedure does not allow the activity to continue;
- it ascertains the existence within the Guarantee Fund budget of the conditions for the provision of financial resources to cover the risk deriving from the proposed loan, determining the relative measure.
If the checks are successful, the procedure issues the guarantee of the Fund to cover the risk of the proposed loan agreement, highlighting the related identification data and the registration number in the Fund that uniquely distinguishes the guarantee itself. In the absence of any anomalies, the guarantee is issued in real-time.
The certificate of the Guarantee issue is sent to the institute providing social security benefits via PEC (certified email address), but can also be viewed through the “Viewing of guarantee issue claims” function.
To claim access to the service, the institutes providing social security benefits must complete the RA012 form.