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Education contributions for children and orphans of beneficiaries of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme

Education contributions for children or orphans and equivalent of employees or pensioners enrolled in the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme who have a disability. The amount to be disbursed varies according to the amount of the last ISEE statement.
Specific for
Orphans of the person registered (or their equivalent) or spouse of the person registered in the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme
This service is also available in

Publication: 18 July 2023 Latest update: 21 August 2024

What is it?

The Statute of the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme envisages, among the assistance services, the provision of education contributions in favour of children, orphans and equivalent of those enrolled in the Scheme who have a disability.

Who is it aimed at?

The education contributions are due to the children or orphans and equivalent with disabilities of employees or pensioners enrolled in the Teachers and School Managers Assistance Scheme.

Young people regularly in foster care for a period of not less than six months during the reference school year of the tendering procedure are considered equivalent to children.

The children of right holders permanently incapacitated for any work activity, orphans of the other parent or unrecognised by the other parent, are considered equivalent to orphans.

How does it work?


The amount of the contributions and awarding criteria vary according to the amount of the last ISEE statement valid on the date the claim is submitted.

The school attendance support measure cannot be combined with and is not compatible with:

  • the attendance allowance;
  • other benefits provided by other entities of a value equal to or greater than 50%;
  • the INPS ‘Supermedia’ competition tender for the same reference school year.




The eligibility requirements include attendance, in the reference school year of the tendering procedure, at one of the following educational institutions:

  • nurseries;
  • infant, primary and lower-secondary schools (up to second grade);
  • training schools and special schools as preparation for integration into society/employment until the age of 26.

The requirements are stated in the tender announcement published each year by INPS. It can be viewed in the Welfare, Assistenza e Mutualità section.


The claim must be submitted within the deadlines established in the call.


The following persons can claim for education contributions:

  • parents who are registered as in service or retired (as right holders/claimants);
  • surviving parents or guardians (as claimants);
  • the student (as a claimant/beneficiary) directly, if of legal age and with a disability on the date of submission of the claim.

The claim to the INPS must be made online using the dedicated service.

Alternatively, claims may be submitted by calling the contact centre on +39 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or +39 06 164 164 from mobile phones.