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PSMSAD Fund: regulations, information and registration

This service allows to register with the Fund dedicated to Painters, Sculptors, Musicians, Writers and Drama Authors and to submit a claim for the granting of different benefits. 

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Addressed to:
Fund of membership

Publication: 23 January 2023 Latest update: 6 September 2024

What is it?

It is a service that allows, if the requirements are met, to register with the PSMSAD Fund (Painters, Sculptors, Musicians, Writers and Drama Authors).

The PSMSAD Fund:

  • supports beneficiaries in their professional activity;
  • encourages their training, improvement and affirmation in the national and international field, also in collaboration with other Italian and foreign institutions.

The Central Department for Credit, Welfare and Social Structures  manages and is the legal owner of the Fund, for:

  • all address and management documents;
  • institutional activities for the members.

Who is it aimed at?

It is aimed at  Italian and EU citizens:

  • who work predominantly and on an on-going basis as painters, sculptors, musicians, writers and drama authors;
  • who are between the ages of 18 and 35, and not yet fully involved in artistic activities, but able to demonstrate with adequate documentation their potential to take up an artistic profession.

How does it work?

The activities of the Fund are governed by the new regulations of the PSMSAD Fund, adopted by Presidential Resolution No. 151 of 20 November 2015 (pdf 647KB), then amended by Presidential Resolution No. 12 of 19 January 2016 (pdf 650KB).


The claim:

  • is valid for one year;
  • is renewed tacitly with the payment of the annual contribution, updated annually with presidential resolution.

After acceptance of the claim (which is not automatic but subject to the mandatory opinion of the competent technical commission), the members shall pay:

  • the one-off registration fee of 70 euros;
  • the annual membership fee of 70 euros.

The fees must be paid by:

  • postal transfer
    to current account 14111009 
    in the name of INPS DG EX FONDO PSMSAD 
    via Ciro il Grande, 21 
    00144 ROME;
  • bank transfer
    IBAN postal code IT 90Y 07601 03200 000014111009 
    reason "name, surname, year of contribution and PSMSAD Fund".

The claim for registration shall be submitted by filling out the online form "Claim for registration with the PSMSAD Fund" and sending the required documentation:

  • by PEC, to: creditowelfareestrutturesociali@postacert.inps.gov.it;
  • by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt to the address: INPS - Direzione centrale Credito, Welfare e Structure SocialiViale Ballarin, n. 42
    00142 ROME;


All claims are subject to the technical opinion of the Commissions.

By resolutions of the Board of Directors, the following members of the Technical Commissions of the PSMSAD Fund were appointed for three years:

Category Musicians  (Board Resolution No. 174 of 26 October 2022, pdf 596KB)

  • Fausto Sebastiani
  • Michele Gasbarro
  • Valerio Vicari

Category Writers

The new commission is in the process of being set up.

Category Painters and Sculptors (Board Resolution No. 174 of 26 October 2022, pdf 385KB)

  • Laura Iamurri
  • Fabio de Chirico
  • Marco Bussagli

By resolution of 21 December 2020, no. 112 of the Board of Directors, the following members of the Technical Commission Drama Authors of the PSMSAD Fund were appointed for three years:

Category Drama Authors

  • Rocco Familiari
  • Walter Le Moli
  • Gianfranco Bartalotta

The pdf for claims for registration with the fund can be downloaded on this page in the attachments section.

Processing times of the decision

The deadline to define the decision was set at 30 days by the Regulation for the definition of the terms to conclude the administrative proceedings adopted by INPS pursuant to Article 2 of Law no. 241/1990. 

The table (pdf 205KB) attached to the Regulation shows both the deadlines for defining the decisions established by the Institute that are longer than the normal 30-day period, and the indication of the relative manager.

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    Grants under the PSMSAD fund

    This service allows the beneficiaries of the Fund, with a seniority of at least six months, to submit a claim for several benefits.