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Contribution for separated or divorced parents to ensure continuity of maintenance allowance

This service allows you to submit a claim for support for families of separated, divorced or non-cohabiting parents to ensure continuity of child support. The contribution can reach a maximum of 800 euros for 12 months.

Addressed to:
Fund of membership

Publication: 12 December 2024

What is it

It is designed to support families of separateddivorced or non-cohabiting parents to ensure the continuity of child support

Who is it aimed at

The contribution is intended for parents of children who are separated, divorced, or non-cohabiting, based on the decision issued by the relevant authority (e.g. court judgment, administrative decision), with the aim of ensuring the continuity of maintenance allowance payment either wholly or partially provided by the other parent.

How does it work

The contribution is due to the parent who, between 8 March 2020 and 31 March 2022 (the date on which the state of epidemiological emergency due to Covid-19 ceased), did not receive, wholly or partially, the maintenance allowance due to non-compliance by the other parent (former spouse or former cohabitant).

The contribution can reach a maximum of 800 euros for 12 months and is paid by INPS in a single lump sum.

The measure will be disbursed until the resources of the fund specifically established by law for support for separated or divorced parents in need, amounting to 10 million euros, are exhausted.



The bonus is due to the parent submitting the claim who:

  • has an IRPEF income not exceeding 8,174 euros in the years of non-payment of maintenance (2020, 2021 and 2022);
  • is cohabiting with the child(ren) in the same years;
  • has severely disabled children (if of age) pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 3, of Law 104/1992, on the date of non-receipt of the maintenance allowance, after 8 March 2020 and in the periods for which the benefit is requested (no later than 31 March 2022).

The bonus is due if the other separated, divorced or non-cohabiting parent, as a result of the Covid-19 emergency, has not paid (in whole or in part) the maintenance allowance due to the other parent, for the following reasons:

  • cessation, reduction, or suspension of work activity starting from 8 March 2020, for a minimum duration of 90 days;
  • a reduction in the defaulting parent’s income of at least 30% compared to the income received in 2019.


The claim to obtain the bonus for separated, divorced or non-cohabiting parents can be submitted to INPS from 12 February 2024 to 31 March 2024.

The claim must be submitted through the dedicated service called “Contribution for separated or divorced parents to ensure the continuity of maintenance allowance payment,” available on the INPS institutional portal in the section “Point of access to non-pension benefits,” following authentication via the digital identity system.

When filling out the claim, the following data must be included:

  • the years among those affected by the Covid-19 emergency during which the total annual income of the parent in a state of need was less than or equal to 8,174 euros;
  • the data relating to the other parent;
  • the data on children living together during the reference period.

When submitting the claim, you must attach:

  • documentation (for example, separation judgment, municipal authority measures, etc.) attesting to the right to the maintenance allowance;
  • in the case of an adult disabled child, the certificate of disability, if it was certified before 2010, or if it results from litigation or has been issued by the Autonomous Provinces of Trento or Bolzano-South Tyrol or the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta.

The criteria and methods for verifying entitlement to the bonus were laid out in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 23 August 2022.

At the end of the claim period and the subsequent examination carried out by the Department for Family Policies established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, INPS will pay the economic contribution to the beneficiaries in the amount indicated by the Department.