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Patronage Institutes- Private employees - Workers enrolled in Separate Pension Scheme- Artists, musicians, writers and entertainment workers
Publication: 2 July 2021 Latest update: 7 December 2021
What is it?
Decree-Law no. 73 of 25 May 2021 (Support Decree bis), due to the prolonged state of emergency caused by Covid-19, providedadditional support measures through an allowance of €1,600 in favour of certain categories of workers.
Who is it aimed at?
The allowances are granted to the following categories of workers:
- seasonal and temporary workers in the tourism and spa sectors;
- seasonal workers in sectors other than tourism and spas;
- intermittent workers;
- occasional self-employed workers;
- workers in charge of sales at customers’ homes;
- fixed-term employees in the tourism and spa sectors;
- entertainment workers;
Those who have already received the allowance provided for by the Support Decree (Article 10, Decree-Law no. 41 of 22 March 2021) are entitled to a further allowance of €1,600, without the need to submit a new application.
No overlapping
In the event that a subject falls into two or more of the above categories of work, they are still entitled to a single allowance.
The 2021 Covid-19 allowance cannot be combined with the:
- allowance for agricultural workers;
- allowance for self-employed fishermen;
- allowance paid by the company "Sport e salute";
- allowance for domestic workers;
- income support allowance for professionals registered with private compulsory pension institutions;
- Emergency Income (even if previously used, during 2021, by any member of the household);
- function allowance (which is not a simple attendance token) provided for certain positions, as in the case of members of Parliament.
In the case of seasonal and temporary workers in tourism and thermal spas, the allowance cannot be combined with NASpI either.
With regard to the Citizens’ Income, without prejudice to the no overlapping clause, it is possible to supplement the measure up to the value of €1,600.
The 2021 Covid-19 allowance can be combined with the:
- ordinary invalidity allowance;
- nASpI (with the exception of seasonal and temporary workers in tourism);
- monetary disbursements deriving from work grants and professional training;
- remuneration or grants for the purposes of study or vocational training;
- remuneration and premiums earned from the performance of amateur sports activities;
- occasional work within the limits of remuneration of an amount not exceeding €5 thousand per calendar year.
Seasonal workers in tourism and spa sectors and temporary employees at user companies operating in the tourism and spa sector
- The seasonal or temporary employment relationship must be terminated between 1 January 2019 and 26 May 2021, with at least 30 days worked;
- you must not be receiving direct pension treatment or NASpI unemployment benefit on 26 May 2021;
- you must not have an employment relationship as at 27 May 2021.
Following the termination of the seasonal or temporary employment relationship – establishing another subordinate employment relationship is permitted, provided that it has already ceased on 26 May 2021.
Seasonal and temporary workers in sectors other than tourism and spas
- The seasonal or temporary employment relationship must be terminated between 1 January 2019 and 26 May 2021, with at least 30 days worked;
- you must not, on the date of submitting the claim, be receiving a direct pension benefit or have an employment relationship of an indefinite duration, with the exception of an intermittent employment contract without entitlement to an allowance.
Intermittent workers
- The work must have been performed under one or more intermittent contracts (with or without availability allowance), for at least 30 days between 1 January 2019 and 26 May 2021;
- you must not be receiving a direct pension benefit or have an employment relationship of an indefinite duration, with the exception of an intermittent employment contract without entitlement to an availability allowance, on the date of submitting the claim.
Occasional self-employed
- You must have occasional self-employment contracts in the period between 1 January 2019 and 26 May 2021, without a VAT number and not enrolled in other compulsory pension schemes;
- you must not have an occasional self-employment contract on 27 May 2021;
- at least one monthly contribution must be credited between 1 January 2019 and 26 May 2021 in the Separate Pension Scheme of the INPS, due to the occasional self-employed activity;
- you must not be receiving a direct pension benefit or have an employment relationship of an indefinite duration, with the exception of an intermittent employment contract without entitlement to an availability allowance, on the date of submitting the claim.
Home sales agents
- You must have an annual income for 2019 – deriving from home sales – greater than 5 thousand euros and you must have an active VAT number with registration in the separate pension scheme of INPS on 26 May 2021;
- you must not be enrolled in other compulsory pension schemes;
- you must not be receiving a direct pension benefit or have an employment relationship of an indefinite duration, with the exception of an intermittent employment contract without entitlement to an availability allowance, on the date of submitting the claim.
Fixed-term employees in the tourism and spa sectors
- Between 1 January 2019 and 26 May 2021, you must have one or more fixed-term employment relationships in the tourism and spa sector, with a total duration of at least 30 days;
- you must have at least 30 days of fixed-term or seasonal employment in the tourism and spa sectors in 2018;
- you must not have direct pension benefit as at 26 May 2021 or an employment relationship as at 27 May 2021.
Entertainment workers
- You must have at least 30 daily contributions paid to the INPS social security fund for performing arts between 1 January 2019 and 26 May 2021, and an income referring to 2019 not exceeding €75 thousand; alternatively, you must have at least 7 contributions in the same period and an income referring to 2019 not exceeding €35 thousand;
- as at 26 May 2021, you must not be receiving a direct pension benefit or, as at 27 May 2021, have an indefinite employment relationship, with the exception of an intermittent employment contract without entitlement to an availability allowance.
If you benefited from the allowance provided for by the Support Decree (Decree-Law 41/2021), you do not have to submit a new application to access the support of €1,600.
If you did not benefit from the previous allowance and meet the set requirements, you may claim this allowance by 30 September 2021.
The claim must be made online using the appropriate service.
Alternatively, claims can be made by:
- Calling the contact centre on +39 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or +39 06 164 164 from mobile phones.
- On-line services offered by patronage institutes and intermediaries thereof.
For additional information, please see the INPS circular no. 90 of 29 June 2021.
Processing times of the decision
The ordinary deadline for issuing the measures is set at 30 days under Law no. 241/1990. In some cases the law may set different deadlines.