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Family allowance for domestic workers

Publication: 09/05/2022

The Family Allowance (ANF) aimed at domestic workers and contracted domestic personnel is an income support benefit for the families of Italian, EU and non-EU domestic workers who work in Italy.

Family Allowance is due for domestic workers and contracted domestic personnel on the condition that the family unit is made up of multiple people and that their income is below the limits established by law on a yearly basis (INPS Circular no. 66 of 17 May 2019).

The ANF (Article 2, Decree-Law no. 69 of 13 March 1988, converted with amendments by Law no. 153 of 13 March 1988) shall be paid by the INPS to families of domestic workers and contracted domestic staff that may be composed of:

  • the applicant for the Family Allowance;
  • a spouse/partner of a civil union that is not legally and fully separated or who has not dissolved the civil union;
  • children or equivalents younger than 18 years of age;
  • children and equivalents, students, or apprentices, aged between 18 and 21 years, if the household is composed of more than three children or equivalents aged under 26 years;
  • adult children and equivalents who are unfit for work;
  • siblings and grandchildren of the applicant, who are minors or adults who are unfit for work, on the condition that they are orphaned without either parent and are not entitled to a survivor's pension.

EU workers are entitled to the ANF for relatives residing in Italy or abroad.

Non-EU workers (excluding those with a contract for seasonal work) have the right to the ANF:

  • only for relatives living in Italy, for cases in which the foreign worker’s country of origin has not put in place an agreement with Italy with regards to family allowances;
  • also, for relatives living abroad, for cases in which the foreign worker’s country of origin has put in place an agreement with Italy with regards to family allowances;
  • also, for relatives living abroad, for cases in which the foreign worker, even if his or her country of origin has no agreements with Italy, has legal residence in Italy and has been insured under the social security schemes in at least two member states.

Foreign workers seeking political refuge also have the right to the ANF, including for relatives living abroad, as a result of achieving equality with Italian citizens.

What am I entitled to?

The amount of the ANF paid by INPS is calculated based on the contribution of the domestic work, the type of family unit, the number of members and on the total income of the family unit.

The income of the family unit is subject to IRPEF (personal income tax), gross of tax deductions, deductible expenses and revenue withholding taxes. Income in excess of €1,032.91 that is exempt from tax or subject to substitute tax or withholding tax by way of a fee should also be indicated. Income generated in the calendar year prior to 1st July of each year and which will be applicable until 30th June of the following year must also be taken into account. Therefore, if the Family Allowance claim concerns the first half of the year, namely, from January until June, the income earned two years earlier must be declared. If the claim period concerns the second half of the year, from July until December, the previous year’s income must be declared.

In case of claim for previous periods, a claim must be sent for each year. The arrears due are paid within five years, according to the five-year limitation period.

The ANF claim may be submitted to the INPS:

  • through the dedicated online service;
  • by telephoning the Contact Centre on +39 803 164 (free from Italian landlines) or on +39 06 164 164 from mobile phones;
  • through the telematic services offered by patronage institutes and intermediaries thereof.